Touchdown in Zimbabwe: Dec-8-2013
While at the front desk I booked a rafting trip for Tuesday and a swim at
Devil's Pool tomorrow (Monday) morning.
I unpacked a bit and showered...relaxed for well over an hour. Then I got
dressed and walked into town.... at least whatever town they had. I felt
like I was back in India. Everyone kept approaching me trying to shake my
hand and asking me where I was from. I knew their game, but I am immune
to any/all guilt and high-pressure sales tactics so I let them at it. I
seemed to have really pissed off a couple of them because the took my
willingness to talk with them as some type of promise I would buy their
The Adventure Lodge, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe |
Along my way to the Fall's a tourist police came sprinting my way. He
had told me that the people were not allowed to sell to the tourists in certain
areas and that he will walk with me to keep them at bay. We chatted a
bit, but his English was rather broken. He took me to a few lookout
points and I was thankful. I haven't seen the fall yet...I'm excited for
tomorrow. The man walked me back showing me a few shortcuts along the
way. We ran into some wild hogs and their babies. Also we saw half
a dozen baboons. He pointed out a restaurant to me that had live music.
I was going to go out to eat tonight, but am kind of tired, so I am planning on
staying in tonight. I gave the tourist police a $2 tip and walked back
alone..... Well, sort of alone. A half dozen people trying to sell me
“activities” and their trinkets accosted me again. I told them I had
already booked "devil's pool" and a rafting trip for the day
after. One of the locals walked with me the entire way back to my place
as he said he lived in the housing unit just past my bungalows. We was a nice
enough guy and left me alone when I told him there was no way I would give him
any money but I was happy to talk with him. He pointed out my clothing
and camera was nice...I pointed out the incredibly high rent prices in America
so it all evens out. He understood and then we were able to speak more
frankly towards one another. I told him what I was looking for and if he
could make it for me by tomorrow I will visit the craft market and I will give
him the business.
I'm sitting at our outdoor bar/restaurant now. There are about 8
people (7 ladies, 1 guy) sitting and talking. They are all volunteers
here.... probably just helping with keeping the grounds clean and doing
laundry, exchange for free room and board. Pretty typical, I
first discovered this 10 years ago when I went to Rome. I can see myself
doing this type of thing when I take my RTW trip. I think I may have lost
some blog postings (thanks digital world).
As I sit waiting for my supper, I see stray cats playing with each other and
one of them is black...makes me think of Dexter. There is
also one that looks a lot like Charlie. "Kelly, can you make sure
Diana didn't abandon Charlie yet?".
I just took a break but have to go. I've been talking with a guy at
the bar here. He's from South Africa (most people seem to be from
there). We've been talking for well over an hour. He's also
traveling alone. He may be in his low-mid 40s? He was telling me
about Devil's pool. Wow I am so scared. You have to swim
against the current as it takes you to the edge of the 340ft waterfall
drop. It's a good thing I won't be able to post this until after I have
already come back from the experience because I'm sure it would scare the shit
out of my mother.
Ok, my dinner is being served, something with 'Pat'? Not sure
what I got, I had the South African guy order for me. It's supposed
to be authentic for this area.... all I know is that I will be eating with my